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Admission open 

Grade 1-9

SISU School Pathway

Love to learn

At SISU, we believe that learning is a lifelong journey. That's why we're dedicated to creating an environment that fosters a love for learning. For our students who're curious about the world, we're here to you grow and achieve your goals. Join us on this exciting journey of discovery and let learn together!


Individual learning plan

In SISU Schools, an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is created for each student to support their strengths, needs, and interests. It emphasizes the child’s voice and participation in their own learning. It also lays a foundation for home-school collaboration. School is not separate from life, why should the learning be? ILP helps teachers to plan pedagogically meaningful activities that are targeted to meet the interests and needs of each SISU student: individualized learning.

Learning experience at SISU

Antibullying happens everywhere at our school. We, staff, faculty and students, aim to create a positive learning environment. 

Antibullying is implemented through intervention and prevention. 


Extracurricular activities for 2024-2025


Draw and paint

Promoting creativity, aesthetic, expression skills

Make an appointment
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Цаг сонгоно уу.

You have succesfully submitted a request for an appointment. Our staff will contact you shortly. Please check your email for reference. 

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