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How to apply?

 School visit

Initial step of the admission is making an appointment beforehand. Please note that the school visit is only accepted through appointment. Our admission staff will contact you via email/phone confirming your appointment and allow you to enter the school. Admission hours are from 10:00-17:00 between Monday and Friday. For some special occasions, different hours are partially possible. During the school visit, our admission staff will give you a presentation about our curriculum and pedagogy and a school tour. Admission staff will communicate in English or Mongolian depending on the visitor.

Admission form for 2025-2026
Choose academic year/Хичээлийн жил сонгоно уу.

Баярлалаа. Та и-мейлээ шалгана уу.

Thanks for applying. Please check your email.

Admission requirements for 2025-2026

Birth year Grade 1


Birth year Grade 2


English Proficiency

Basic English /A1 level/

Admission test for Readiness

Ready for Grade level


Good behavior



Academic year 2025-2026
Цаг сонгоно уу.

You have succesfully submitted a request for an appointment. Our staff will contact you shortly. Please check your email for reference. 

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